Aneta Kajzer

Melt Away

Jul 7th, 2023 - Aug 5th

104GALERIE (Nakameguro, Tokyo) is holding a solo exhibition by Aneta Kajzer, “Melt Away” , in the period from July 7th (Fri.) to August 5th (Sat.) Kajzer, born in 1989 and currently based in Berlin, has mainly been active in Europe. Her work shown at our group exhibition “104 INTRODUCES” , in April 2022 was very well received. This time, in a solo exhibition we will introduce work that has never been displayed before and some new large paintings produced for this exhibition, with a total of 13 pieces.
Aneta Kajzer was born 1989 in Katowice, Poland. After studying art history and European ethnology at the University of Würzburg between 2008 and 2010, she acquired her Master’ s degree at the Academy of Fine Arts Mainz, Germany in 2017. She lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Not only has she held solo exhibitions in many European cities, such as Berlin, Paris and Copenhagen, and recently the US, but she has also participated in group exhibitions at the Museum Bensheim, (Germany) and the Arp Museum (Germany), along with other group exhibitions in various venues all over the world, including some in Asia.
She has won many awards and grants and was also selected to be one of the artists in “NOW! Painting in Germany Today” , a show that introduced upcoming German Artists, collectively held by major public art museums in the country including the Bonn Museum of Modern Art, evidencing a great deal of attention from the art scene.
Kajzer’ s work has been added to the Collection of the Federal Republic of Germany, the New Carlsberg Foundation Collection (Denmark), and the X Museum (Beijing, China), amongst others.
From the artist:
Lately my works have been becoming more and more fluid. Even though I work with highly dissolved oil paint, I paint on the floor. I sometimes allow the paint to run down the canvas on purpose and let myself be surprised by the outcome.With this new technique, the figures that appearin my paintings now sometimes look like they are melting (for example “Trauerkloß” , “We are Family” , “The lion sleeps tonight” ).
The figures are sometimes quite clear, and sometimes they blur into the backgrounds so it’ s harder to find them and you have to search a bit with your eyes.
In “Gib Acht” you will probably immediately see the two big eyes of a blueish head in the upper left corner, but it takes a while to find the face in the profile with eye, nose and mouth to the right of it. The figures are often melting into the paint and the lines between figuration and abstraction are melting more and more too.
In the intuitive process I never know what will happen on the canvas and I’ m being led only by the paint, gestures and movements before I start seeing figures and characters in there, a bit like finding figures in cloud formations.
The figures that I see can sometimes look more human ( “Freundliche Übernahme” ), and sometimes more like animals and in-between beings
( “Ungleiches Paar” ), sometimes realistic but mostly more like comics, maybe because I grew up with a lot of cartoons and later anime as visual influences. For example, I was obsessed with Pokémon for a while, inventing and drawing my own monsters and their evolutions. So, showing my works now in Japan feels a bit like closing a circle and I’ m looking forward to the reactions to my work.


Melt Away
Aneta Kajzer


July 7th – August 5th 2023


11:00 – 17:00


July 7th (Fri.) 17:00 – 19:00


FORCE Building B1F
1-20-4 Aobadai Meguro-ku Tokyo



Aneta Kajzer was born in 1989 in Katowice in Poland and lives and works in Berlin.
She graduated from the Kunsthochschule Mainz and was awarded a residency at the Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin. In 2018,
she participated in the Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt, a development program for female visual artists.
Her work is regularly exhibited, particularly in shows dedicated to the contemporary rejuvenation of German art such as
Now ! Painting in Germany Today in Deutschland, shown at the Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Kunstmuseum Bonn,
Kunstsammlung Chemnitz and Museum Wiesbaden in 2019-2020.
She has also enjoyed numerous solo exhibitions,
most notably at the Conrads Gallery in Düsseldorf, the Künstlerhaus Bethanien and the Institut für Moderne Kunst in Nuremburg.

Solo Exhibitions


Dreams are my Reality, Sim Smith, London (UK)


Head in the Clouds, Semiose, Paris (FR)
Fließende Wesen, Kallmann-Museum Ismaning, Munich (DE)
Take a Dip, Galleri KANT, Copenhagen (DK)
It Must Be Bunnies, PAGE (NYC),New York (US)
Sind wir schon da?, Galerie CONRADS, Berlin (DE)


Eine 7 wird nie rund werden, Kunstverein Recklinghausen (DE)
Heavy Water, Project room Semiose, Paris (FR)
Deep Blue Purple, Institut für moderne Kunst, Nuremberg (DE)
Eyes On Me, Project room Galerie Kandlhofer, Vienna (AT)


Once More with Feeling, Galleri KANT, Copenhagen (DK)



Selected Group Exhibitions


Silent Stories – Neuerwerbungen und Schenkungen Zeitgenössische Kunst, Kunstsammlung Chemnitz, Chemnitz (DE)
104 INTRODUCES, 104Galerie, Tokyo (JP)
Rêveries, curated by Judicaël Lavrador, Domaine Pommery, Reims (FR)
FLOWER, CHOI&CHOI Gallery, Seoul (KR)
ME AND DOROTHY, Galerie Oechsner, Nuremberg (DE)
CONVERGENCE, curated by Kunzten, Projektraum 145, Berlin (DE)
Das Eigene im Fremden – Einblicke in die Sammlung Detlev Blenk, Museum Bensheim, Bensheim (DE)


Wild Horses, Sim Smith, London (UK)
Around the world, Around the world, curated by William Leung, Woaw gallery, Hong Kong (HK)
Tiere des Sommers, ASPN Galerie, Leipzig (DE)
Luxus und Glamour – Vom Eigensinn des Überflüssigen, Arp Museum Rolandseck,Remagen (DE)
Spitting Diamonds, rk-Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin (DE)
Koi_Pond, curated by KVTV, Atelierfrankfurt, Frankfult (DE)
Mixed Pickles 9, Ruttkowski;68, Munich (DE)
At A Moment In Time, Kunstverein Arnsberg, Arnsberg (DE)

Exhibition View